My book, Take Back Your Power, launches today. It has been nearly four years in the making. It started with a small comment I made one day while speaking in a class at Stanford, and it grew from there (for more on the entirety of the project, I write about it in Perception vs. Reality)
I was never quite sure this day would come, and it would not have without the support and help of dozens of people who helped me along the way.
To my friends and family who listened to me ideate, dream, and write, thank you for your support through thick or thin -- even through the complaining during writer's block.
To all of the people who are in the book, thank you for telling your stories and letting me share them with the world. I hope they will bless those who read them as much as they blessed me.
To my publisher, agents, and team, thank you for supporting this newbie through this process and for guiding me to this day.
I hope that this book touches those who feel stuck, need advice, or just want to understand the challenges women face in the workplace.
Thanks again for this journey.
Started reading as soon as received book today. Have been enjoying the work so far and learn a bunch! Wondering whether you will host any book signing session some time?
Go Deb!