Deb - one of the best parts about PM-ing at Facebook was to learn the PM craft (and other things) from your Workplace posts. Now that you've moved on (and so have I!), I'm so glad to have your substack posts to look forward to!

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All of the posts I used to post internally, I now post publicly. It is a bit daunting to put it out there, but I hope these articles in some way help those who read them.

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Amazing! Negotiation, acceptance, healing, empathy, regrets, motivation, everything! Power-packed 🤗

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Deb, thanks for this beautiful piece. Over the last few months, you have turned into my virtual coach and mentor with your insightful and authentic writing.

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Much of what I write comes from people I mentor (I meet with a couple of people a week who reach out), and I realized that what I share with them is very much applicable to others.

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Another great writeup, thank you very much for sharing this. One of the most important life lessons so elegantly conveyed. I am guilty of being stuck in my past thinking about my perceived mistakes and failures. I believe it gives me the reason to not try something that’s hard i.e. more easy to sulk than dust myself and keep going. It gives me a free pass.

over the last 5 years I have worked really hard to learn\move past from whatever “failure” that befell me. I have come to a realization that there is absolutely no point talking about the past failures or missed opportunities unless it helps you get better.

What do the future versions of us, five years from now, wish we had chosen to do today?” - Brilliant! I had this same epiphany just last month - If I can think of the missteps that am taking now which I will be regretting thinking back 5 years now. I ask myself - why can’t I take the time to think like my future self so I can identify some of the present things that I can do differently. Its just practice I guess.

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What a beautiful piece! Thanks for sharing some personal examples too :)

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I needed this piece for something that happened at work today. Thank you.

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Vow!! This is such a wonderful read. Recently I have seen some set backs and some loss of self worth. This piece so inspiring for me. Just what I needed the most right now!

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Thank you Deb for all the insightful articles you've been writing. This is yet another insightful read!

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This is a brilliant read Deb - thank you for putting so eloquently what happens when we spend too much time ruminating and looking back (legitimately brought tears haha), but also made me feel so hopeful. Keep up the great writing; something I look forward to in my inbox!

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