I'm an introverted and I've been always hesitated to ask for help. Now, I know the importance of asking and opening doors for others. Good read, always.

Memo to myself: https://share.glasp.co/kei/?p=zvodOop9PwCxlFxl7y50

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Thanks Deb for this useful article and I am planning to implement the format that you have proposed for the 'Ask' with the four qualities.

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This is such a great reminder. In the past I've found myself afraid to share my aspirations because I felt like I had to prove myself before sharing. But then I pushed myself and started writing down that I want to become a people manager in my self review in every review cycle. A year later, I'm a people manager because I shared and a sponsor took notice.

Ami Vora just wrote a similar post on her Substack: https://amivora.substack.com/p/asking-for-help-is-a-competitive. Are you all coordinating? :)

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Exactly what I needed! Been doing this for some months now and truly I see the importance of making it known what I’m looking for!

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This is such an important article. I was interviewing for my first PM role and not any close to cracking it, because of my lack of experience and the current recession. I was once in a final interview round with the CPO and I casually mentioned, "I REALLY want to be a Product Manager and I am actively working on getting there soon." I got the job! He said, we really wanted someone with experience, but because I know you really wanted the job so you'll definitely do well. Thanks, Deb, for always picking up insightful topics.

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Hello from China, i like your article, it can help me grow up in my career life, thx。

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