Thanks for sharing these fascinating charts, Deb. If #1 stretched back millions of years, you'd see that earth's temperature has always fluctuated in a complex system due to many variables - with or without human activity and fossil fuels. #2, 3, 5, 6, 7, and 9 are all government failures because their disruption of the free market raises prices and lowers quality. We should be wary of any government promises that giving them more power and control, especially for things mostly out of our control like climate, will make life better. The real world data shows that it is the opposite and makes everyone worse off, except government cronies ;)

Great minds think alike - I posted a few similar charts here: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-fire-a-commissar-part-2

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Great minds! Thanks for sharing your charts. I want to take some time to review them and maybe add some to my next post.

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For #3, other than Food, all the red items are highly regulated by the government, and thus lack market forces to push prices down and quality up.

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I'm not sure if healthcare vs life expectancy is a helpful illustration. Diet, happiness, etc or some composite metric vs life expectancy might be more indicative because healthcare is only coming late in the game and is not necessarily preventative.

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An alternative is that we could invest more in preventative care vs fixing what is broken much further down the line.

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Absolutely. At the risk of saying platitudes - Prevention is the best offense and defense. If the chart can be split into preventative x non-preventative healthcare against life expectancy, that could be interesting

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I LOVE your Ten Charts posts, Deb. So much that 7 months later, I'm still sharing with others.😉

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Thanks for sharing these charts. Breaks my heart to see what kind of world we are leaving for our kids. Global warming is real, healthcare is not affordable unless tied to a good job at a corporate office that subsidizes partially, kids staying at home after college and making less than their parents really hit home for me... I hope your posts reach millions and we all work together to create a better world for the next generation and more.

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