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Hello~ and "How timely this topic appears to me" today! A couple of weeks ago I personally prepared one of our "video brochures" after researching for "the most likely address" for it to reach Ms. Deb Liu at Ancestry. I sent it off, but haven't heard back from [anyone] who possibly "watched the < 5-minutes" description of our Picture-Yourself-Remembered™ Internet platform and just how it IS a perfect fit into the existing Ancestry world of services and products! The video brochure, immediately upon opening, "comes to life with my recorded best voice forward" rather than a cold email or even postal service letter~

I encourage the San Francisco campus Ancestry readers of this comment to "look for that 5 x 7 brochure" within a bright orange envelope and then "see the power of VOICE" as Ms. Liu's article today addresses.

On one last, somewhat related note:

Some time after my wife and I were married, standing together in our bathroom, I asked, "Just what do you miss most of Mike?" Her former husband, Mike had passed after a motorcycle accident years prior... Theresa, my wife, immediately answered my question with, "His Voice"! I cannot easily remembered "what he sounded like"~

Our platform at https://Picture-Yourself-Remembered.com conquers that and several additional and related family communications hurdles and lets clients,

"Look Across Generations to See Your Past... and 'SPEAK TO' Your Future℠~"!

Stanley Poe / Founder & CEO

Stan@Biehler-PoeEnterprises.com or Info@Picture-Yourself-Remembered.com

419-618-0747 text or telephone anytime! (est/us)

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