This is incredibly inspirational. I'm also a writer after an 8 year PM career in product, but had too much imposter syndrome around my work to really pursue it. I went on sabbatical last year and after a year of healing and experimentation, feel ready to commit to the creative path (currently screenwriting and producing/directing) Seeing Abigail's story has given me the inspiration that there are other people like me, making the leap from tech to the creative world, who can use their skills and talents to make it happen. But more than anything, gives me the confidence in the power of my stories and my work's worth. Thank you for sharing Deb!

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Such a beautiful story! Thank you for sharing.

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Remarkable and inspiring story. A testament to the power of perseverance (writing for over a decade before the first book was published) and following one's passion on the side even when one has to work for a career/making-a-living.

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Hello~ This piece, and all of it's content and perspective "gives me even more confidence" in our journey to help people realize for themselves just what our platform [can] mean to their family lineage! Realizing just how important it is to me, as a [now] father of four adult children, to continue to give comfort, encouragement and [hopefully] "Words of Wisdom" after their mother and I divorced when they were mere youngsters. Note that it was her choice and not mine to divorce... I have YET to even "sign the papers"!

Those words and acts of comfort, encouragement and my "Words of Wisdom" were 'more important to me at that time than my next breath!' I almost mean that literally~ Being available 24/7 and providing them a "personal" 800 number found "the boys" calling me while they were leaving a restaurant with their mother and new beau. They loved the fact that they could use any "pay phone" (yeah, it was that long ago) to "call Dad" for a quick chat. Thankfully their mom allowed that and it meant the world to me!

Our Picture-Yourself-Remembered platform was created, in part, on the chance that "Dad might be removed from the picture" somehow and I could not bear the idea of "losing touch with my kids". I created simple "video messages" and archived them to be delivered at chosen times of my intention. Maybe a month-to-six after my untimely demise. Maybe during the month of their anticipated graduation from high school. Keep in mind that they were all in "grammar school" grades at the time! I then devised, with my experience in tech', "a storage and auto-delivery system" to assure my messages delivery to each of my children.

"This long winding journey from a dream to reality" piece written by Ms. Deb Liu and her good friend shares many of the similar phases of success we've experienced and continue to... Delays, doubts and yes, "failures along the way" are all intricate parts of all puzzles. They seem to have been for Abigail Wen and will be for any others envisioning, planning, executing and "believing in their dream" and KNOWING that it's "bigger than them"!

My very best admonition to you who [also] harbor a dream and KNOW that it's your "mission" is to, "Only Believe". That is shared from our Bible and I share that with you~

Visit with us at: https://Picture-Yourself-Remembered.com and contact me anytime at Stan@Biehler-PoeEnterprises.com / Info@Picture-Yourself-Remembered.com / 419-618-0747 "anytime" remembering that I'm typically on (est/us)

"Only Believe"

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