I was off of social media for years because of the toxicity. When I started my coaching business around burnout, I had to go back on because it's B2C. For a year, I dealt with it kicking and screaming. In the past 6 weeks, I've come around more to looking at it as a tool to help me with my goals. I don't have to love it, but hating it takes so much more energy that I can apply to other things.

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May 17Liked by Deb Liu

May God give us the serenity to stop resisting the things we shouldn't, courage to resist the things we should, and wisdom to know the difference.

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A beautiful read again! Resistance is only delaying the things! Need to get up, dress up and show everyday!

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Thanks Deb, this is what i was needing to hear these days.

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“I never saw myself as a writer, and as a result, I refused to write.”

This is so ironic, given where you are in your writing journey now, Deb! Resonates a lot. I had similar thoughts for myself for years about creativity (“I’m not creative”) until one day I decided to tell a different story to myself and it unblocked me.

Acting through your resistance is an act of empowerment.

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I love that you are telling yourself a new story!

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