Congratulations, Deb on your new role! I recall our fireside chat back at Intuit a couple of years ago that's been an inspiration for what I do now, leading product & engineering at Castlight Health. Thank you for setting up a weekly cadence of sharing. I wish I had this framework with me when I started back in September!

I came up with a framework after conversations with many that took on new roles. A couple of things I realized in addition to learning, aligning, communicating and executing is the importance of seeking continuous feedback and the importance of managing oneself through this. Demonstrating vulnerability early on helped make everyone comfortable to share feedback. It's also easy to get overwhelmed with ideas and get carried away with opportunities to jump in, learn and solve. I've realized the importance of setting up a sustainable pace.

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Thank you for sharing this, Deb! It's very helpful for me to learn the way of thinking when transfer to a new job. And your posts are very knowledgeable and inspiring. As a new working mom, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic, those sharing are very supportive!

If there is a chance, do you mind sharing some thoughts about how to choose a team or a manager that fits ourselves, could potentially boost ourselves, and provide an opportunity to utilize our strengths the most? I think there are so many important factors and I would like to hear your thoughts about what the most crucial ones for success in a career are.

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Let me work on this for a future post. This is a major decision, and I want to make sure I do the topic justice.

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Good luck keeping learning and aligning with your team. I would certainly love to have the opportunity to be CEO for ancestry for some years :)

I would be interested in understanding your Performance goal, they respective metrics and how they compare between months 1, 2, 3. I suppose the table is redacted / in its template form there...

It was great you commented positively about the idea of assigning segments to ancestors. For me, it is the next killer feature in genetic genealogy, waiting for someone to implement it.

The paradigm is that specific pieces of DNA can now, using genetic genealogy research (triangulation and similar techniques), be assigned to particular ancestors. When you do this at large with large DNA databases and large family tree databases, you can programmatically keep increasing the amount of DNA you are able to assign to various ancestors for each set of individual with identical piece of DNA.

This technique can work through explicit DNA reconstruction of deceased individuals, but such step(s) can also be completely implicit. I sincerely believe the first company to properly code the method will have a significant advantage in the market.

Thanks for keeping the blog running, I hope you will eventually become more Ancestry-specific :)

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Revisiting this gem as I prep for a new role - thank you for sharing this, the focus on "listening" in the first 30 days is such a great reminder.

Curious what new perspectives you might have 3+ years into your role as CEO?

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Thanks, Deb! I discovered this resource just in time - I start my next adventure in product at a new company next month and I’m looking forward to testing out the method you’ve shared. Hellos from Finland 🇫🇮

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Thank you so much for this concise action plan as I prepare to start a new role in an entirely new industry, Deb. I can't wait to put this in action and share my thoughts.

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A plan is a bit like a script you'd like to see followed if you were making a movie... but with less emotion and greater objectivity. Follow a great plan to make the great movie. Deb Liu's 30-60-90 day template simplifies planning and makes it more efficient. Over planning can be the death of any project. Keep it simple but stick to it. Deb's template will help!

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Being appointed to be at the helm of a company can be a supremely scary and exciting thing. Being the CEO would mean that you’d have to have most answers, how did you make sure that you were able to ask people for help in getting more context about the company?

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I just sent this to my team to use. It’s such a valuable asset for anyone starting new. I used this framework when I started a new role a year ago too!!

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Thank you, Deb, for sharing this template and your guiding principles. I am using your framework to plan my first 90 days starting next Monday. This is great resource!

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This is so helpful, it succinctly captures what an onboarding plan should look like. Thank you so much for sharing!

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Thanks Deb for sharing your thoughts on the fist 90 days. This probably deserves a post by itself, but it would be great to hear how you went about building relationships and trust with your employees while everyone is still working remote.

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Good one Deb! Thank you for sharing.

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Thank you for sharing the template! I found your page through a mutual friend via Linkedin and I am so grateful I did. :)

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Thank you for sharing Deb! I am not transferring to a new role, but I am taking on new responsibilities and projects within my current role, and I found this plan extremely helpful!

I'd also love to hear your tips in areas such as 'assess product/team', 'align visions' etc. if you have interested in sharing more details about each phase?

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This is brilliant. It is exactly what I need as I am now planning to transition to a new role in a new company. Thank you for sharing your story and insight.

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